Image of Attorney Leslie Barrows

Helpful Resources

Helpful Resources

At Barrows Firm, we realize the legal process can feel overwhelming, especially if you are not familiar with the complexities of the law. No matter your age or stage in life, we are here to inform you and support you every step of the way. We want clients to feel empowered with knowledge, comfortable with the process, and confident in the decisions they make. We invite you to explore the following resources to gain valuable insight and assistance in understanding and managing your family-related legal concerns.

“I really feel like National Adoption Day is one of those rare occasions when we, as lawyers, can go down to the family law courthouse and provide the most wonderful service to these families. Bringing adoptive parents and foster children together and into permanent homes is among the most rewarding things I get to do.  All of the members of my firm participate in this special event, which means we actually shut down the office for the morning on National Adoption Day.” 

–Attorney Leslie Barrows

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