Perspectives in Family Law with Matt Riek, Former Judge

Leslie Barrows
 | Published: 
March 6, 2025
 | Category: 

It is a rare opportunity to sit with a former judge and ask them for perspectives on some of the most pressing issues facing Texas divorce and family law attorneys and their clients. This episode of the Barrows Firm Law Review features Attorney Leslie Barrows and her guest, Attorney Matt Riek, a former judge who is now back in private practice. 

Leading the discussion, Attorney Barrows reminds us all of the upcoming April 1st deadline in Texas, to notify the other parent of upcoming extended summer possession plans. Spring break and summer vacation will be here quicker than we realize, and these springtime issues are our focus at the Barrows Firm this March. 

Meet Attorney Matt Riek, Retired Judge, Back in Private Practice 

Attorney Leslie Barrows welcomes guest, Attorney Matt Riek who introduces himself and gives background and perspective on family law from being on the bench and serving as a judge in Tarrant County. 

The discussions highlight some of the exciting parts of being a judge, highlighting perspectives that fellow attorneys may appreciate and understand. 

Perspectives on Challenges in Law Practice and Court 

Matt Riek talks about getting the most out of a 20-minute hearing, and how important it can be to identify the truly conflicted issues. He also notes the importance of preparation and organization. 

Artificial intelligence is also emerging more frequently as issues arise and we learn how to be ethical and safe practitioners. It will be interesting to watch how the local rulemakers address technology issues. 

Pro se litigants in family law are also using AI and filing pleadings they might not understand, and Matt reminds us that people representing themselves pro se, without attorneys, are held to the same standard in court as any attorney who practices before them daily, so not knowing the law or procedure is not an excuse. 

Thoughts for Attorneys Interested in Becoming Judges 

Some young lawyers aspire to becoming judges at some point in their career, and others are presented with the opportunity. In any case, the experience of doing good for your community and helping others is a unique opportunity in life. 

Popular Culture Focus: We Mention Police Involvement in Family Violence Cases 

When chatting about family violence cases and changes in the legislature, we mentioned the Gabby Petitio series on Netflix that many are watching. The young couple’s stop with law enforcement was recorded and we discussed it and highlighted the behind-the-scenes view of police analyzing their situation to determine what to do next. 

About Matt Riek in Fort Worth, Texas 

Matt Riek is a Board Certified family law attorney and mediator at Mims Ballew Hollingsworth, PLLC. We thank him for being our guest on the Barrows Firm Law Review podcast with Leslie Barrows at the Barrows Firm in Southlake, Texas.