Louise Raggio, featured in this article’s cover image, made women’s history in Texas, fighting to pass a landmark law giving equal rights to Texas women, the law taking effect January 1, 1968. The Texas Monthly article linked below, is worth reading and is a great historical account. DOWNLOAD OUR ESSENTIAL DIVORCE GUIDE

Celebrate National Women’s History Month with the Barrows Firm

Leslie Barrows
 | Published: 
March 25, 2025
 | Category: 

What Makes A Woman Historic? 

Louise Raggio, featured in this article’s cover image, made women’s history in Texas, fighting to pass a landmark law giving equal rights to Texas women, the law taking effect January 1, 1968. The Texas Monthly article linked below, is worth reading and is a great historical account. 

Leslie Barrows is the principal founder and owner of the Barrows Firm, celebrating all kinds of women at various points in their life history. Let’s focus on the word “history.” To make history, one needs to do historic things. Not every woman who does something notable is going to get the praise of a ticker tape parade and streamers, but some recognition would sure be nice. Many women spend much of their life feeling like they exist in a role, as mother, as wife, as sister, as daughter, and those roles can direct how women conduct themselves in life and strive to make things better along the way. 

Creating history and being memorable, doing those things that make things better, they can be on a grand scale or a very small local level. History is made when the first woman is elected to a local position. History is also made when a woman is the first in her family to graduate from college or graduate school. History is made when a woman is the first in her family to start a business or decide whether to have children and raise a family. 

Women don’t have to walk on the moon or hold any specific office to be historic, however, as we have seen in acts of defiance or women putting their needs first. Women leaving abusive husbands or wives may be historic in a family where the women stayed in bad situations, often much to their detriment. 

Relevant Article Links: 

Psychology Today - For Well-Behaved Women Who May Never Make History

Texas Monthly - Until 1968, a Married Texas Woman Couldn’t Own Property or Start a Business Without Her Husband’s Permission. This Dallas Attorney Changed That

Listen to the Barrows Firm Law Review Podcast - Our Spring Break Tour Was Fun!

Leslie Barrows Helps Women Make Tough Family and Parenting Decisions

Contrary to the belief of some, people do not throw in the towel on their marriage the moment things get tough. Many women who consult with and hire the Barrows Firm for their divorce and family law matters will explain how they have been patient and tried everything and anything they could think of before concluding that the marriage or situation has become impossible. 

Those women making the decision to file for divorce, and to fight for custody and to be named the primary parent making residential choices; they are history makers. In many families, these women are the first to take such a bold step as terminating their marriage, and many are making history by being the first to stand up for themselves and their children. 

The Barrows Firm is a Women-Supported Team 

From the first call to our office to meeting with your attorney or one of the paralegals supporting your family law matter, clients are working with women. The care and compassion people think about when they talk about a woman-owned business is an important element of the mission and values at the Barrows Firm. But even more importantly, we all know that women can handle tough life events and strong women get the job done. Leslie Barrows is known for being a straight shooter, telling people the truth about their situation and the best course of action to win for themselves and their family. That’s what a women-supported team is all about.  

Leslie Barrows Also Helps Men in Family Law 

Let’s not forget all the male clients who also work well with a women-supported law firm and staff, they appreciate strong women, regardless of whatever happened with their own marriage or situation. We are often reminded that gender roles and stereotypes are not determining factors in real life, and when it takes two to tango, there are all kinds of things that go on behind closed doors. Men are also victims of abuse and all the things that lead them to file for divorce and custody actions, many of the same factors women discuss. 

Please Say or Do Something Nice for a Strong Woman in Your Life 

Remember, it doesn’t have to be National Women’s History Month to do something nice for the strong women in your life. Treat them well and do something nice for them. We at the Barrows Firm appreciate you all and hope that you thought about and said thank you to an important woman in your life.